Scientific Papers
- McComas, D.J., M. Alimaganbetov, L. Beesley, M. Bzowski, H. Funsten, P. Janzen, M. Kubiak, J. Rankin, D. Reisenfeld, N. Schwadron, J. Szalay, “Fourteen Years of Energetic Neutral Atom Observations from IBEX”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplemental Series, 270:2, doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/ad0a69, 2024.
- Livadiotis, G., D.J. McComas, B.L. Shrestha, “Thermodynamics of Pickup Ions in the Heliosphere”, The Astrophysical Journal, 968:66, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad3e79, 2024.
- Turner, D.L., A. Michael, E. Provornikova, M. Kornbleuth, M.Opher, S. Eriksson, B. Lavraud, P. Mostafavi, M. Hill, P. Brandt, I. Cohen, J. Westlake, J.D. Richardson, N.A. Schwadron, D.J. McComas, “Evidence of a Thick Heliopause Boundary Layer Resulting from Active Magnetic Reconnection with the Interstellar Medium”, The Astrophysical Journal, 960:2, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad05d3, 2024.
- Shrestha, B.L., E.J. Zirnstein, D.J. McComas, P.Brandt, A. Stern, A.R. Poppe, K.N. Singer, A. Verbiscer, "Suprathermal H+ Pickup Ion Tails in the Outer Heliosphere", The Astrophysical Journal, 960:1, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad08b9, 2024.
- Galli, A., P. Wurz, N.A. Schwadron, E. Möbius, S.A. Fuselier, J.M. Sokol, P. Swaczyna, M. Bzowski, D.J. McComas, “The Plasma Pressure Contribution from Low-energy (0.05 – 2 keV) Energetic Neutral Atoms in the Heliosheath”, The Astrophysical Journal, 971:1, doi: 0.3847/1538-4357/ad6150, 2024.
- Swaczyna, P., F. Rahmanifard, E.J. Zirnstein, J. Heerikhuisen, “Filtration of Interstellar Neutral Helium by Elastic and Charge Exchange Collisions in Heliospheric Boundaries”, The Astrophysical Journal, 943:74, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/acaa36, 2023.
- Möbius, E., “How Catching the Interstellar Wind in the Inner Solar System Led the Way on a Road to Interdisciplinary Research Between Heliophysics and Astrophysics”, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, doi: 10.3389/fspas.2023.1020921, 2023.
- Swaczyna, P., M. Bzowski, S.A. Fuselier, A. Galli, J. Heerikhuisen, M.A. Kubiak, D.J. McComas, E. Möbius, F. Rahmanifard, N.A. Schwadron, “Relative In-flight Response of IBEX-Lo to Interstellar Neutral Helium Atoms”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266:2. doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/acc397, 2023.
- Livadiotis, G. and D.J. McComas, “Entropy Defect in Thermodynamics”, Scientific Reports, 13:9033, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-36080-w, 2023.
- Livadiotis, G. and D.J. McComas, “Transport Equation of Kappa Distributions in the Heliosphere”, The Astrophysical Journal, 954:72, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ace1e3, 2023.
- Kubiak, M.A., M. Bzowski, P. Swaczyna, E. Mobius, N.A. Schwadron, D.J. McComas, “Science Opportunities for IMAP-Lo Observations of Interstellar Neutral Helium, Neon, and Oxygen During a Maximum of Solar Activity”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 269:23, doi: 10.3847/1538- 4365/acf83b, 2023.
- Livadiotis, G. and D.J. McComas, “Connection Between Polytropic Index and Heating”, The Astrophysical Journal, 956:88, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acf45d, 2023.
- Livadiotis, G., D.J. McComas, E.J. Zirnstein, “Temperature of the Polar Inner Heliosheath: Connection to Solar Activity”, The Astrophysical Journal, 951:21, doi: 10.3847/1538- 4357/acd1e1, 2023.
- Livadiotis, G. and D.J. McComas, “Entropy Defect: Algebra and Thermodynamics”, EPL, 144, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/ad0764, 2023.
- Rankin, J.S., D.J. McComas, E.J. Zirnstein, L.F. Burlaga, J. Heerikhuisen, “Unified Picture of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field from Voyager & IBEX” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 945:2, doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/acbd4e, 2023.
- Dayeh, M.A., E.J. Zirnstein, D.J. McComas, “Determining the IBEX Ribbon Transverse Profile from ENA temporal variations: A proof-of-concept for IMAP observations”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 943:L33, doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/acbe00, 2023.
- Rahmanifard, F., P. Swaczyna, E.J. Zirnstein, J. Heerikhuisen, A. Galli, J.M. Sokół, N.A. Schwadron, E. Möbius, D.J. McComas, S.A. Fuselier, “The Effect of Angular Scattering Imposed by Charge Exchange and Elastic Collisions on Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen Atoms”, The Astrophysical Journal, 959:129, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0be1, 2023.
- Swaczyna, P., M. Bzowski, J. Heerikhuisen, M.A. Kubiak, F. Rahmanifard, E.J. Zirnstein, S.A. Fuselier, A. Galli, D.J. McComas, E. Mobius, N.A. Schwadron, “Interstellar Conditions Deduced from Interstellar Neutral Helium Observed by IBEX and Global Heliosphere Modeling”, The Astrophysical Journal, 953:1, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ace719, 2023.
- Zirnstein, E., E. Möbius, M. Zhang, J. Bower, H. Elliott, D. McComas, N. Pogorelov, P. Swaczyna, “In Situ Observations of Interstellar Pickup Ions from 1 au to the Outer Heliosphere”, Space Science Reviews, 218:28, doi: 10.1007/s11214-022-00895-2, 2022.
- McComas, D.J., B.L. Shrestha, P. Swaczyna, J.S. Rankin, S.E. Weidner, E.J. Zirnstein, H.A. Elliott, K.N. Singer, J. Spencer, S.A. Stern, H.A. Weaver, “First High-resolution Observations of Interstellar Pickup Ion Mediated Shocks in the Outer Heliosphere”, The Astrophysical Journal, 934:2, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7956, 2022.
- Zirnstein, E.J., B.L. Shrestha, D.J. McComas, M.A. Dayeh, J. Heerikhuisen, D.B Reisenfeld, J.M. Sokół, P. Swaczyna, “Oblique and Rippled Heliosphere Structures from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer”, Nature Astronomy, doi: 10.1038/s41550-022-01798-6, 2022.
- Livadiotis, G., and McComas, D.J., “Physical Correlations Lead to Kappa Distributions”, The Astrophysical Journal, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.05752, 2022.
- Frisch, P.C., A.B. Berdyugin, V. Piirola, C. Heiles, A.A. Cole, K. Hill, A.M. Magalhaes, S.J. Wiktorowicz, J. Bailey, D.V. Cotton, L. Kedziora-Chudczer, N.A. Schwadron, M. Bzowski, D.J. McComas, E.J. Zirnstein, H.O. Funsten, C. Harlingten, “Whence the Interstellar Magnetic Field Shaping the Heliosphere?” The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 259:8, doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac5750, 2022.
- Zirnstein, E., M. Dayeh, J. Heerikhuisen, D.J. McComas, P. Swaczyna, “Heliosheath Proton Distribution in the Plasma Reference Frame”, AAS28501, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 252:26, doi:10.3847/1538-4365/abd092, 2021.
- Zirnstein, E.J., R. Kumar, R. Bandyopadhyay, M.A. Dayeh, J. Heerikhuisen, D.J. McComas, “Turbulent Acceleration of Interstellar Pickup Ions at the Heliospheric Termination Shock Forms the Global ENA Spectrum”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 916:L21, doi: 10.3847/2041- 8213/ac12cc, 2021
- Sokół, J.M., M.A. Dayeh, S.A. Fuselier, G. Nicolaou, D.J. McComas, E.J. Zirnstein, “Breathing of the Heliosphere”, The Astrophysical Journal, 922:250, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac21cd, 2021.
- Swaczyna, P., M.A. Kubiak, M. Bzowski, J. Bower, S.A. Fuselier, A. Galli, D. Heirtzler, D.J. McComas, E. Möbius, F. Rahmanifard, N.A. Schwadron, “Very Local Interstellar Medium Revealed by a Complete Solar Cycle of Interstellar Neutral Helium Observations with IBEX”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 259:2, doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac4bde, 2022.
- Swaczyna, P., T.J. Eddy, E.J. Zirnstein, M.A. Dayeh, D.J. McComas, H.O. Funsten, N.A. Schwadron, “IBEX Ribbon Separation Using Spherical Harmonic Decomposition of the Globally Distributed Flux”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 258:1, doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac2f47, 2021.
- Schwadron, N,E. Moebius, D.J. McComas, J. Bower, E. Bower, M. Bzowski, S. Fuselier, D. Heirtzler, M. Kubiak, M. Lee, F. Rahmanifard, J. Sokol, P. Swaczyna, R. Winslow, “Interstellar Neutral He Parameters from Crossing Parameter Tubes with the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Informed by 10 Years of Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 258:1, “Full The approximately 11-year quasi-periodic variation in frequency or number of sunspots, coronal mass ejections, solar flares, and other solar activity caused by internal restructuring of the solar magnetic field that results in a flipping of the solar magnetic poles every solar maximum. of A predecessor to IMAP, IBEX is studying how our heliosphere interacts with interstellar space. IBEX created the first maps showing the interactions at that border, and how they change over time.”, doi: 10.3847/1538- 4365/ac2fa9, 2021.
- Zirnstein, E.J., D. J. McComas, N.A. Schwadron, M.A. Dayeh, J. Heerikhuisen, P. Swaczyna, “Strong Scattering of ~keV Pickup Ions in the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field Draped Around Our Heliosphere: Implications for the IBEX Ribbon’s Source and IMAP”, The Astrophysical Journal, 876:92, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab15d6, 2019.
- McComas, D.J., E.R. Christian, N.A. Schwadron, N. Fox, J. Westlake, F. Allegrini, D.N. Baker, D. Biesecker, M. Bzowski, G. Clark, C.M.S. Cohen, Cohen, M.A. Dayeh, R. Decker, G. A. de Nolfo, M.I., Desai, R.W. Ebert, H.A. Elliott, H. Fahr, P.C. Frisch, H.O. Funsten, S.A. Fuselier, A. Galli, A.B. Galvin, J. Giacalone, M. Gkioulidou, F. Guo, M. Horanyi, P. Isenberg, P. Janzen, L.M. Kistler, K. Korreck, M.A. Kubiak, H. Kucharek, B.A. Larsen, R.A. Leske, N. Lugaz, J. Luhmann, W. Matthaeus, D. Mitchell, E. Moebius, k. Ogasawara, D.B. Reisenfeld, J.D. Richardson, C.T. Russell, J.M. Sokol, H.E. Spence, R. Skoug, Z. Sternovsky, P. Swaczyna, J.R. Szalay, M. Tokumaru, M.E. Wiedenbeck, P. Wurz, G.P. Zank, E.J. Zirnstein, “Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA Mission”, Space Science Review, 214:116, doi: 10.1007/s11214-018-0550-1, 2018.